Trigenics® Therapy | Podiatrist Sydney CBD

Free your feet
from chronic pain.

Feel and move like how your feet were designed to.

Improve Performance

Improve Performance

Restore your body's natural flexibility and movement.

Find Out the Cause of Chronic Pain

Find Out the Cause of Chronic Pain

Learn about your condition and how to manage it better.

Reset and Restore
Foot Function

Reset and Restore
Foot Function

Go back to the way
your feet move.
foot exercise

You deserve to enjoy life without restrictions.

Trigenics® offers a wide range of treatments to help you find relief and restoration for your specific needs.

Does chronic pain affect the way you live?

You don’t have to keep up with this!

Affects your daily activities.
Feet are not feeling the way it used to.
Not motivated to be active.
Restricting your everyday movement.

You don’t have to keep up with this!

We know how frustrating it is to have long term pain.
Every activity feels uncomfortable.

We have seen thousands of clients who are in need of a better solution to their foot, ankle and leg problems. 

We developed an advanced Trigenics® plan designed specifically with your needs so you can maintain a healthy active lifestyle without experiencing pain or discomfort!

Let your feet go back to an active lifestyle

Better foot function.

Prevent deterioration like arthritis.

Let your feet feel its best.

We're the first and only qualified Trigenics® practitioner.

3 Steps to Go Back to an
Active Lifestyle

Book Your Consultation

We will call to confirm your appointment and start working on the plan, even before we meet.

Go Through Examinations and Know Diagnoses

We work with you to establish your short and long term treatment goals.

Begin Your Recovery Journey

Restore your foot function and alleviate foot pain. Get your quality of life back.

We know that it is not right for your outstanding pain to limit you in any way. We will help get back on your feet!

Frequently Asked Questions

Sports Podiatrist Chatswood Foot Nail Care Treatment Solutions Orthotic Therapy

TRIGENICS® is a neurological muscle assessment, treatment and training system which reprograms the way the brain communicates with the body. This technique can instantly relieve pain, increase strength and movement, and enhance performance. It is currently practiced by over 2000 doctors, therapists, and trainers in 25 countries worldwide.

Mark Lin, our principal therapist, is the first Podiatrist in Australia to be trained and specialized in this unique neuro-muscular treatment system in the lower limb. The complex procedures used in Trigenics® functional muscle neurology retrain the way the brain communicates its movement and/or pain signals with the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints of the body. The beneficial effects are measurable, long-lasting and often instantaneous that can be seen immediately.


The Missing Element” of Musculoskeletal Care
Reconnecting the brain and the body


Orthotic Therapy
When a joint, tendon, muscle or ligament suffers damage, stress or an injury, their nerve sensors (proprioceptors) send improper or false signals which confuse the brain. The brain responds by sending false controlling signals to the muscles and tendons. These muscles then become neurologically tight or weak causing dysfunctional joint movement through a process known as “neurological inhibition”.If left uncorrected, this leads to weak links and abnormal muscle pull patterns in the movement chain, resulting in chronic pain, re-injury, deterioration and/or decreased athletic performance.

Sports Podiatrist Chatswood Foot Nail Care Treatment Solutions Orthotic Therapy
Often these improper controlling signals of muscles cannot be fully corrected with traditional physical therapies. Muscles that have been neurologically inhibited could not be strengthened effectively with normal exercises and stretches, (this is why you can stretch a muscle every day and it still always feels tight!). If the sensors of the tightened muscles are not corrected to begin with, the foot and ankle can quickly become restricted again following any soft tissues release or joint mobilisation/manipulation. The nervous system must first be reset to allow other treatment to work the way they should. Trigenics® functional muscle neurology corrects muscular length and strength imbalances for potent restoration of function and relief of pain.

We strengthen and lengthen every pair of muscles in your lower body that is neurologically weak and tight and causes dysfunctional body movement.

Your Trigenics® Practitioners at The Footwork Clinic are fully trained to be able to identify neurological inhibition. Once assessed, we will start to manipulate and redirect your nerve signals to effectively “reset” the way your brain communicates with your muscles and body.

Sports Podiatrist Chatswood Foot Nail Care Treatment Solutions Orthotic Therapy

  • Heel Pain, Arch Pain, Plantar Fasciitis / Fasciosis, Heel Spurs
  • Ankle Pain / Injury
  • Foot and Ankle Arthritis
  • High Arches & Flatfeet
  • Bunions / Hammer Toes
  • Aching Feet / Foot Stiffness
  • Achilles Pain / Injury
  • Morton’s Neuroma
  • Ball of Foot Pain / Metatarsalgia
  • Shin Splints
  • Tight / Aching Leg Muscles
  • Knee, Hip, and Lower Back Pain
  • Sports Injury Prevention
  • Sports Performance Enhancement
  • Poor Balance in Elderlies & Kids
  • Ankle Sprains, Weak Ankles
  • Patellofemoral Pain (Knee Pain)
  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB Pain)
  • Post Surgical Knee Pain/Restriction
  • Post Surgical Ankle Pain/Restriction
  • Hip Impingement, Bursitis
  • Plantar Plate Injury
  • Sciatica
  • Posture/Gait Problems in Adults & Kids
  • Balance Problems in Elderly
  • Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction
  • Fibromyalgia

Trigenics® functional muscle neurology is safe, gentle and non-forceful hands-on technique that can be used effectively on a broad range of patients including children and seniors. It has been found very effective in children to improve their posture and restoring proprioception in seniors to improve their balance.

The Footwork Clinic Online Booking​

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